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15 Ways You Know You’re At A Miami-Cuban Wedding

Cuban Wedding Miami

The Miami-Cuban wedding is a time honored tradition full of the most important things in life: family, food, friends, love, and laughter. Yes, those are factors in any wedding, so here are the fifteen signs that you are at a Cuban wedding in Miami.

15. There are more platters of Croquetas, Bocaditos, and Pastelitos than you can count.

14. There is a whole team devoted only to making Coladas, Cortaditos, y Cafe Con leches.

13. There is a Caja China out back cooking a delicious smelling whole pig drenched in Mojo.

12. The bride’s name is Maria, her mother’s name is Maria, and the maid of honor is named Maria.

11. The wedding is sponsored by Bacardi, and there are 3 actual Bacardi family members present.

10. The dance contest lasts for three days because evrybody dances so well.

9. Somebody offers you a Guarapo, and then disappears into the crowd.

8. It is so loud that all of the family back in Cuba can actually hear the party happening.

7. The live band are better than the Buena Vista Social Club, but everybody knows them as friends from the neighborhood.

6. The bride’s dress is so puffy, grand, and white, that even the clouds in the sky get jealous.

5. The bride and grooms families together consist of 500 guests each.

4. The groom’s Abuelo keeps saying how much better the wedding would have been back in Cuba.

3. Somebody tells a Pepito joke that everybody has heard a million times before, but everybody still laughs.

2. The wedding altar is not the only altar in the room.

1. You are at one of the best Miami Banquet Halls, Grand Salon!

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