10 Hilarious Wedding Invitations that Will Make Your Day
by Lauren JacobsonOne of the first steps down the road to holy matrimony, besides meeting, getting engaged, and stuff like that, is the sending of the wedding invitations. Wedding magazines cannot express enough how the invitation sets the tone for the whole wedding. For most people, their wedding invitation is the most formal letter they will ever send. Some people however opt to go in an entirely different direction. Here are ten hilarious wedding invitations that will make you laugh out loud.
This long invitation offers the wedding guests a chance to be 100% honest with the bride and groom. With this kind of crowd attending, there is no way their wedding is not going to be eventful.
This invitation is good if you are inviting guests to your wedding who can’t handle answering just yes or no, but also really want you to know how they feel about it, too.
With wedding bells in their future, this couple just cannot get bells out off of their minds. With any luck, they’ll get all that ringing out of their heads before the ceremony.
Although there is usually a lot of confusion regarding this issue, the wedding couple was very helpful in clearing up the confusion for all of their guests. There was one guest who reported being very disappointed by this menu choice.
This couple made the strange choice to use Nicholas Cage as the background of their invitation and mad every choice a reference to one of his movies. Hopefully, no one has a Nick Cage style freak out at the wedding.
This couple was thoughtful enough to provide some excuses for not attending, so people who are not attending don’t have to think of them themselves.
Photo credit: Katie Kerr and Chris Sabino
Some people just can’t handle going to weddings, so it’s nice that they can warn this bride and groom ahead of time.
This couple gets straight to the main point that everyone wants to know: Will there be free booze at your wedding? It’s really key when deciding whether to go or not.
This bride and groom took a Mad-Libs style approach to their wedding invitation, though some of the answers people put down didn’t make a lot of sense in context.
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