Veronica & Jason

I just wanted to start off by saying that Jason and I were absolutely pleased with the service that you and your staff provided us the night of our wedding; you contributed to make the night being more wonderful than we expected. Our wedding was beautiful! Thank you for everything you and the staff have done, you both have been wonderful 🙂
Thanks for everything!!

Veronica & Jason
Wedding Reception
May 18, 2013
Grand Salon Ballroom at Killian Palms Country club

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    Killian Palms Country Club
    9950 SW 104 St Miami, FL 33176
    Phone: (888) 828-3266
    Fax: (305) 596-3390

    Tuesday to Friday:
    11:00am - 6:00pm
    11:00am - 4:00pm
    Monday and Sunday:

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