Tiffanie & Terrell Amazing Experience

Grand Salon Staff
Carolina & Katherine

You guys are such rock stars!!!

We want to thank you for all the work you put into making our wedding the amazing experience it is. It was perfect and without flaw… your professionalism makes that possible.

You guys are Top Notch and we are eternally grateful.

Tiffanie & Terrell Williams
Gazebo Ceremony and Wedding Reception
Ciudamar at Killian Palms Country Club
October 4, 2014

    contact us today

    More information

    Killian Palms Country Club
    9950 SW 104 St Miami, FL 33176
    Email: eventproducers@grandsalonballroom.com
    Phone: (888) 828-3266
    Fax: (305) 596-3390

    Tuesday to Friday:
    11:00am - 6:00pm
    11:00am - 4:00pm
    Monday and Sunday:

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