Mr & Mrs Encarnacion Wedding Reception

Good morning Carolina!

Sorry for the late response, thank you so much for the pictures I saw them on Facebook and they look great!I had an amazing time and I was 100% satisfied with absolutely everything! The food was delicious, the service was prompt, the staff that was present that night was incredibly helpful with everything. Overall my husband and I are very pleased with it all. Thank you ladies for everything Katherine, Lorraine and Caroline who were the ones we usually were attended by. Also special thanks for being so helpful and understanding with us we are very grateful.

Best wishes, keep up the amazing service!

Yours Truly,

Mr. & Mrs. Encarnacion

Wedding Reception

Grand Salon Ballroom at Killian Palms Country Club


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    Killian Palms Country Club
    9950 SW 104 St Miami, FL 33176
    Phone: (888) 828-3266
    Fax: (305) 596-3390

    Tuesday to Friday:
    11:00am - 6:00pm
    11:00am - 4:00pm
    Monday and Sunday:

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